This is what it’s a about..

Express yourself. There’s a point in time in which we feel or have felt that another person is using their anger from previous occurrences on you, or where you feel so alone and marginalized because you don’t fit into a pre made “social norm” because of your style, beliefs, class, gender, sex, preferences, all of it. And it comes to a point where, the people around you and maybe even yourself don’t realize all of this that goes on, doesn’t come to the fact of knowing anything around them other than “omg Facebook lol”. And the problem is, society teaches us to believe that ‘oh just be happy where you are and it will fix all your problems’ but, what if I’m NOT HAPPY. Then what? Suppress my feelings, move on with life like nothing is happening? No! This is the opposite of making things any better. This can be a way to know that your voice is getting heard, at least by somebody, and by someone who cares about what you think and your position. And that accepts who you are, and whatever feeling you might possible have, and is ready to hear it, and help in any way possible.

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